¿Cómo mejorar el sistema inmune?
El sistema inmunitario es la defensa natural del organismo contra enfermedades y agentes infecciosos. Su funcionamiento adecuado depende de múltiples factores, desde hábitos alimenticios hasta el manejo del estrés. Mejorar la capacidad del sistema inmunitario no solo nos protege contra infecciones, sino que también favorece la salud general. A continuación, exploraremos estrategias detalladas y...
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How does stress affect your immune system?
When stress becomes chronic, it can have profound negative effects on our health, especially our immune system, but there are options to help you through these situations.
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Immune system weak or excessive?
The immune system is a complex network that It can present significant variations in its functioning, giving rise to two opposite conditions: a weak immune system and an immune system with an exaggerated response.
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Spring Allergy Alert
For a significant portion of the population, the arrival of spring also triggers a less pleasant experience: spring allergies.
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Tips to strengthen the immune system before the arrival of Winter
As we approach winter, it is common to worry about our health and well-being, especially when it comes to our immune system. During this season, colds, flu and other respiratory illnesses can affect us more easily.
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